This article was written based on NineChronicles.Headless version v100330-1.[1]
Sometimes we need to recalculate blocks. This is the case to determine if there is a non-determinism problem or if a hard fork has occurred.
We can use the replay blocks
command in this case.
Clone the NineChronicles.Headless repository. And move to NineChronicles.Headless.Executable project path.
$ git clone
$ cd ./NineChronicles.Headless/NineChronicles.Headless.Executable
Prepare blockchain store
You can use your local store already exist or download a new one.
Please refer to this article for the local store path.
Or if you want to download a new store, this article will help.
Replay blocks
Implementation code link:
$ dotnet run -- replay blocks --help
Usage: NineChronicles. replay blocks [--store-path <String>] [--start-index <Int64>] [--end-index <Int64>] [--repeat-count <Int32>] [--verbose] [--output-path <String>] [--help]
Evaluate blocks and check state root hash
-s, --store-path <String> An absolute path of block storage.(rocksdb) (Required)
-i, --start-index <Int64> Target start block height. Tip as default. (Min: 1) (Default: 1)
-e, --end-index <Int64> Target end block height. Tip as default. (Min: 1)If not set, same as argument "-i".
-r, --repeat-count <Int32> Repeat count. (Min: 1)If not set, default is 1. (Default: 1)
-v, --verbose Verbose mode.
-o, --output-path <String> The path of output file.
-h, --help Show help message
- Test store:
- Local store path:
Case 1
In this case, replay blocks from 5,214,601 to 5,214,602 with repeating 3 times for each block. And success to replay all blocks.
$ dotnet run -- replay blocks \
-s /Users/seungmin/Downloads/FileZilla/9c-snapshots/9c-main-partition_20221021_hyeon \
-i 5214601 \
-e 5214602 \
-r 3
Output without -v
Replay blocks start from #5214601 to #5214602.(range: 2, repeat: 3)
Replay blocks end successfully.
Output with -v
: replay-blocks-output.log
Case 2
In this case, replay blocks from 5,214,601 to 5,214,610 with repeating 2 times for each block. And success to replay from 5,214,601 to 5,214,603 and failure in 5,214,604 with InvalidBlockStateRootHashException
$ dotnet run -- replay blocks \
-s /Users/seungmin/Downloads/FileZilla/9c-snapshots/9c-main-partition_20221021_hyeon \
-i 5214601 \
-e 5214610 \
-r 2
Output without -v
Replay blocks start from #5214601 to #5214610.(range: 10, repeat: 2)
Libplanet.Blocks.InvalidBlockStateRootHashException: Block #5214604 3ef7eeafbbaf0de24597b10e06324129b6bdfd9f3d57ecff2d53cfa52e6cbd5a's state root hash is febbfb93434eb83a4337f5ae1875a6da5f879f9d3ed20dd478cb301a6db030ef, but the execution result is e332b7d237eab995f340cf4c44c409d4cacf194aee4ec758dfb2d1ab0763b657.
at Libplanet.Blockchain.BlockChain`1.ExecuteActions(Block`1 block, Nullable`1 stateCompleters) in /Users/seungmin/Repositories/9c-launcher/NineChronicles.Headless/Lib9c/.Libplanet/Libplanet/Blockchain/BlockChain.cs:line 918
at NineChronicles.Headless.Executable.Commands.ReplayCommand.Blocks(String storePath, Int64 startIndex, Nullable`1 endIndex, Int32 repeatCount, Boolean verbose, String outputPath) in /Users/seungmin/Repositories/9c-launcher/NineChronicles.Headless/NineChronicles.Headless.Executable/Commands/ReplayCommand.cs:line 286
Replay blocks end with exception.
Output with -v
: replay-blocks-output.log
Case 3
In this case, replay block 4,001,014 without repeating. And failure with UnexpectedlyTerminatedActionException(IncompleteBlockStatesException)
in each ActionEvaluation<T>
$ dotnet run -- replay blocks \
-s /Users/seungmin/Downloads/FileZilla/9c-snapshots/9c-main-partition_20221021_hyeon \
-i 4001014
Output without -v
Replay blocks start from #4001014 to #4001014.(range: 1, repeat: 1)
Libplanet.Blocks.InvalidBlockStateRootHashException: Block #4001014 2ab8ea908de56f484fe332396c99b16629321511eba3afce2dae16ca1573c148's state root hash is 0e264d9170676a2472278c23b8bd27d233d6bb06f5a2aa4aefcf2cc39336e361, but the execution result is 61cdee84fb562c6d6fc02c885ecbe929b1df76a348a3001e8ae743b5e490fc1b.
at Libplanet.Blockchain.BlockChain`1.ExecuteActions(Block`1 block, Nullable`1 stateCompleters) in /Users/seungmin/Repositories/9c-launcher/NineChronicles.Headless/Lib9c/.Libplanet/Libplanet/Blockchain/BlockChain.cs:line 918
at NineChronicles.Headless.Executable.Commands.ReplayCommand.Blocks(String storePath, Int64 startIndex, Nullable`1 endIndex, Int32 repeatCount, Boolean verbose, String outputPath) in /Users/seungmin/Repositories/9c-launcher/NineChronicles.Headless/NineChronicles.Headless.Executable/Commands/ReplayCommand.cs:line 286
Replay blocks end with exception.
Output with -v
: replay-blocks-output.log