How to use my own RPC server, not Planetarium's

This article explains how to setup Nine Chronicles to pointing your own RPC server, instead of Planetarium’s.


  • Windows 10 or above
    • I’ll revise this doc when ready for other platform. :slight_smile:
  • Nine Chronicles (v100282 or above)


Navigate to directory for user configuration

  1. Open Explorer

  2. Type %APPDATA%

Create (or edit) user config

You need to create user configuration file here. (config.json) Here is an example for rpc server with below setting.

	"RemoteNodeList": [
  • Host name of server
  • 80: HTTP port
    • launcher will use this port for GraphQL requests/response.
    • specified as --graphql-port
  • 31238: gRPC port
    • specified as --rpc-listen-port

if you already have config.json under %APPDATA%\Nine Chronicles, just open it and add RemoteNodeList.

Check configuration

After configuration, you need to restart the launcher. you can check the rpc server your launcher connected on first screen.

there are article which explain how to build a RPC server?

As far I know, there isn’t yet. but it would be nice!

Looking forward to that guide.