Create, Analyze APV with the `planet` command

About the APV’s description, you can see Explain App Protocol Version(a.k.a. APV) topic.

Install planet command

Now, the Libplanet provides the CLI app on the NPM service. You can install the @planetarium/cli package with the below commands:

# With npm
$ npm install -g @planetarium/cli

# With yarn
yarn global add @planetarium/cli

Analyze an APV with the planet command

If you have played Nine Chronicles, you might use APV signed by the Nine Corporation.

You can see the latest APV at

    "AppProtocolVersion": "100282/6ec8E598962F1f475504F82fD5bF3410eAE58B9B/MEUCIQDYz9MXCV3k3B93+R2GZs+BCnu8SwfZOZ4GQeCLKqjIfwIgFlC1AlOBs9KR4Y00MVBpmh9dGa6P6wEXy9NZNwGOrRU=/ZHUxNjpXaW5kb3dzQmluYXJ5VXJsdTU2Omh0dHBzOi8vZG93bmxvYWQubmluZS1jaHJvbmljbGVzLmNvbS92MTAwMjgyL1dpbmRvd3MuemlwdTk6dGltZXN0YW1wdTEwOjIwMjItMDgtMjll",
    "AwsRegion": "ap-northeast-2",
    "AwsSecretKey": "Z8Hlm2K2sT4wEP2uuHgSDaTAVj5FwkNb7LyfWF/b",
    "BlockchainStoreDirName": "9c-main-partition",
    "BlockchainStoreDirParent": "",
    "ConfigVersion": 1,
    "Confirmations": 0,
    "DataProviderUrl": "",
    "GenesisBlockPath": "",
    "HeadlessArgs": [
    "IceServerStrings": [
    "LaunchPlayer": true,
    "Locale": "",
    "LogSizeBytes": 1073741824,
    "Mixpanel": true,
    "MuteTeaser": true,
    "Network": "9c-main",
    "NoMiner": true,
    "NoTrustedStateValidators": true,
    "PeerStrings": [
    "RemoteNodeList": [
    "Sentry": true,
    "SnapshotPaths": [
    "SnapshotThreshold": 0,
    "StoreType": "rocksdb",
    "SwapAddress": "0x9093dd96c4bb6b44A9E0A522e2DE49641F146223",
    "TrustedAppProtocolVersionSigners": [
    "UseRemoteHeadless": true,
    "UseV2Interface": true,
    "Workers": 1000

You can get the APV from AppProtocolVersion property and you can analyze it with planet command:

$ planet apv analyze 100282/6ec8E598962F1f475504F82fD5bF3410eAE58B9B/MEUCIQDYz9MXCV3k3B93+R2GZs+BCnu8SwfZOZ4GQeCLKqjIfwIgFlC1AlOBs9KR4Y00MVBpmh9dGa6P6wEXy9NZNwGOrRU=/ZHUxNjpXaW5kb3dzQmluYXJ5VXJsdTU2Omh0dHBzOi8vZG93bmxvYWQubmluZS1jaHJvbmljbGVzLmNvbS92MTAwMjgyL1dpbmRvd3MuemlwdTk6dGltZXN0YW1wdTEwOjIwMjItMDgtMjll

Field                  Value                                                                                                                                         
---------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
version                100282                                                                                                                                        
signature              3045022100d8cfd317095de4dc1f77f91d8666cf810a7bbc4b07d9399e0641e08b2aa8c87f02201650b5025381b3d291e18d343150699a1f5d19ae8feb0117cbd35937018ead15
signer                 0x6ec8E598962F1f475504F82fD5bF3410eAE58B9B                                                                                                    
extra.timestamp        2022-08-29

Create a new APV with the planet command

Then if you want to build your own Nine Chronicles network, you should make your own new APV. Then you can use planet apv sign command. It requires your private key and see Manage your keys with the ‘planet’ command to create or import your private key.

At first, check the key id of your key.

$ planet key
Key ID                               Address                                   
------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------
5d79fa1e-9fab-41f6-ad5a-423217e87594 0x7bf2F56085aFE0f78c8F1EdE6De7104814398fD9

Okay, you might find your key’s id. And you should use planet apv sign command. It has two required arguments:

  • KEY_ID: The key id you found with the above command.
  • VERSION: The integer of your APV. (e.g. 1, 2, 3, 100000)

Then let’s create your own APV.

$ planet apv sign 5d79fa1e-9fab-41f6-ad5a-423217e87594 1  
Passphrase (of 5d79fa1e-9fab-41f6-ad5a-423217e87594): ***

Then the below one is your own APV :tada:
