Hi @Akamig,
I’m trying to pick up this particular action (dailyReward) but without unity. I mean, I want to tap Lib9c to write my own console application to claim daily rewards.
I’m more interested in RpcAgent since I’m planning to use the RPC Nodes. However in the ocean of codes of 9c I’m struggling with my endeavor. My starting point based on your post is in libplanet and I want to re-write some of Nekoyume’s classes to remove unity stuff, but I just can’t imagine how these agents even retrieve its dependencies nor who instantiates them.
Well, It’s a bit different story but you don’t have to try really hard way to separating unity from 9c for dailyReward. we have GraphQL query for that and you can just use it to automate dailyreward. I suggest you to check out this post.